Customer Centricity Month: Using impact mapping to prioritise the right thing

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Customer Centricity Month 2023, organised by our friends at cxpartners will be holding five webinars throughout November that will look at how you can plan for the future whilst managing the day-to-day. And most importantly, how putting the customer at the heart of all business decisions can help you to do so. 

Week 3 - Using impact mapping to prioritise the right thing

When: Wednesday 15th November 11am - 12pm

Host: Nicola Pritchard, Principal Service Designer, cxpartners

If you want to remain competitive in challenging times, you're going to have to make big bets. But how do you know if your bets are on the things that could have the most impact for your teams, organisation, and those you serve?  Impact mapping is an effective way to identify and align on your short and longer term outcomes. It is a key tool and process for prioritising and setting your intent around the positive impact you aim to have on your business, on wider society and the planet.

In this session we will be looking at what  impact mapping is, we’ll cover the key stages of the methodology, and how it can help your business achieve better and more sustainable outcomes. 

Join this session to find out:

  • What impact mapping is
  • How it can help businesses prioritise what matters most
  • The key steps for getting started

Register for the webinar

