Customer Centricity Month: Building customer-centric teams

| minute read

Customer Centricity Month 2023, organised by our friends at cxpartners will be holding five webinars throughout November that will look at how you can plan for the future whilst managing the day-to-day. And most importantly, how putting the customer at the heart of all business decisions can help you to do so. 

Week 2 - Building customer-centric teams

When: Wednesday 8th November 11am - 12pm

Hosts: Neil Schwarz, Experience Strategy Director, cxpartners and Riz Hussain, Principal Service Designer, cxpartners

Customer insight is key to delivering good products and services. And even if your prioritisation strategy is to “play it safe”, customer insight can still help you de-risk your work. But where do you start? By building a team that can champion working in a customer centric way. In this session we will be looking at the steps organisations can take to set-up a team and bring customer insight into their decision making. We’ll dive into the skills and processes you’ll need, the types of projects to focus on, and the political wrangling you’ll need to do.

Join this session to find out:

  • How piloting new ways of working is the best way to kick start change.
  • How choosing the right projects can help or hinder your efforts
  • How to go from a customer-centric team to a customer-centred organisation.

Register for the webinar

