Ted Morris-Dawson

Agile Delivery Manager

I help people in complex systems be more agile.

I love connecting with people and learning new skills that support the evolution of our collective intelligence. 

I have developed a rich catalogue of IT delivery knowledge and have broad experience in multiple business sectors. I use this background to coach, mentor, train and facilitate teams, individuals and organisations. 

I am always interested in innovation and seek out opportunities to work with diverse technologies and people.

I thrive on the challenge of creating value by continuously evolving my skills and supporting others to do the same. 

If you would like to transform your working world into a vibrant, productive and inspiring environment, I would like to support you to reach your goals. 

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Latest Publications

The one-team mindset: keeping transformation on track

| Ted Morris-Dawson

Ted-Morris Dawson shares his top tips for using Agile collaboration to support large-scale transformation programmes.